Spays and Neuters

Spaying and neutering helps with population control, behaviour, and reduced health risks for pets.

Spaying and neutering is one of the many reproductive services we offer at S.A.V.E. Many people know this procedure as a way to prevent pregnancy. However, spaying your female pet and neutering your male pet has other benefits. These procedures protect them from developing diseases and temperaments associated with their reproductive organs. To learn more about the benefits of spaying or neutering your pet, call us at 403-995-3270.

Is it mandatory to spay or neuter my pet?

Although pet owners do not need to have their pet spayed or neutered, these are medical solutions to avoid overpopulation and cancers or infections in the reproductive organs. It has been proven that pets live longer and healthier lives when they have been spayed/neutered.

What kind of health problems could my pet develop if they’re not spayed/neutered?

Health problems include physical and mental conditions. Spaying or neutering your pet eliminates their risk of developing diseases and improves their behaviour. Spaying female pets will allow them to avoid uterine, ovarian and mammary cancer. When it comes to their behaviour, they will not yowl or experience bleeding during the heating cycle. Male pets will decrease their chances of testicular cancer and will be less territorial. They will be less likely to seek a mate or be aggressive towards other animals when they’re neutered.

When should they be spayed/neutered?

Kittens should be spayed/neutered when they’re at least 4-months-old. When dogs should be spayed or neutered depends on their size and gender. Small dogs should have the procedure when they’re at least 5 months old, while large dogs should wait until they are at least 9 months. However, to get a clear date of when your dog should be spayed/neutured, it is best to speak with your veterinarian.

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